
Topic: "Little Sky"
Joe Montana was known as "Big Sky." Although he was neither Frodo's favorite player, nor even a member of a team he particularly liked, he did beat the Dallas Cowboys a lot, and that made him a good guy to Frodo. "Big Sky" must have been a big hero to a family named Mazurkiewicz.
Montana Mazurkiewicz was born in 1995. 10 years later he was dying with an inoperable brain tumor. "Little Sky" had a wish that was somehow transmitted to Charlie Weis, Head Football Coach at Notre Dame University. Notre Dame, the alma mater of Joe Montana, should let "Little Sky" call the opening play of the game against the University of Washington. Even though Notre Dame's first play began on its' own one-yard line after a fumble recovery, Coach Weis agreed to use the play "pass right" as called by "Little Sky."
The play gained 13 yards.
"Little Sky" passed away the night before the game.
There is a place for guys like Charlie Weis, who smiled noticeably on the sideline. Frodo notes that Notre Dame University has never been a favorite of Southern powerhouse football schools. Notre Dame recruited Southern black athletes while the Southern powerhouses stayed lily-white. Notre Dame regularly kicked their butts.
Frodo always roots for the best academic school. This year, he will "cheer, cheer for old Notre Dame, she'll never stumble, she'll never fall, all her royal sons are marching onward to victory."
It will be interesting to see how often they run the play "pass right."
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:54 PM EDT