
Topic: "One For the Good Guys"
Today Frodo received a tiny fishing rod and a ticket to the new Georgia Aquarium as a gift. The presentation of the gift was ensconced with the implication that Frodo's piscine achievements would be limited to quarry who are thusly confined. "Ha, Ha," said Frodo. Frodo also noted that the free pass to the Aquarium had expired. "Ha, Ha," said Frodo's nemesis, Joe the Vagabond and funny gift-giver.
The occasion of the gift-giving was the annual soiree of the group known as the Gazebo. Discussed earlier, the Gazebo are the aging males who gather together to do "guy things." Most recently the guys had rung bells for the Salvation Army. Today they ate and exchanged gag gifts.
It should be noted that about half of the group happen to be politically conservative, and that the luncheon was held in an area that cast over 80% of its' votes to George W. Bush. Frodo will pass through the area in his motorcar from time-to-time, but is generally wise enough not to stop.
One of the attractions of the Gazebo is that the members are so different. There is no "preaching to the choir," and in these times it means that the conservatives actually receive input not programmed by Karl Rove and disseminated by Faux News.
Frodo was prepared for his special gift this day, and he had something appropriate prepared for Joe the Vagabond. Frodo offered up a gasoline can which he had dutifully covered in masking tape and properly labeled for public consumption. The front side read "Bush-O-Line, Four Times Better than Gasoline ever Cost." The rear side read "Bush-O-Line Prevents Global Cooling." On one side it read, "And It Tastes Even Better Than JIM BEAM, I Know--G.W.Bush." On the other side it read "50% of the Cost Goes to Oil Company Executive Retirement Plans." On the bottom Frodo inscribed "A Product of Ahmed Chalabi Enterprises, LLC."
"Garumph" stated Joe the Vagabond. "Titter, titter" snickered the other conservatives. "That was great Frodo," and out loud "Ha,Ha" emanated from the enlightened members of the Gazebo.
On the way home Frodo heard that George W. Bush had authorized the National Security Agency to spy on American citizens, and had not sought court orders in order to do so. Next year Frodo will give Joe the Vagabond an old tape recorder, a pair of binoculars, and a copy of the Constitution. It's just a shame that he can't give George W. Bush the boot.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:16 PM EST
Updated: Friday, December 16, 2005 9:20 PM EST