Mood: suave
Topic: "Lime Bandits" (3)
Frodo speaks at length about many of the epicurean delights in his life, in much the same manner as the locally-cherished Gourmet columnist in the NEW ORLEANS TIMES-PICAYUNE defines favorite dishes as "platonic." Frodo is also known to imbibe, and his many friends quickly recall his fondness for the mixture of lime and vodka that, when properly measured "on the rocks," is dubbed Gimlet. Never having really thought about it before, it recently became evident to him that the cognomen could actually be a character "nom de plume" from the writings of Lord Tolkien. Imagine, Sir Gimlet, leading the Men of Gondor in a counter-attack during the battle of the Pelennor Fields (actually, dear reader, Frodo is sipping a cup of coffe laced with hot milk at the moment).
Recently, Frodo stumbled upon a new commercial application to Sir Gimlet. A well-advertised franchise fast-food chain called SONIC has become omnipresent throughout the lands of Middle Earth, and Frodo, by sheer coincidence, stumbled into one when he discovered that the ordering process was completed by a young lady on roller-skates. Utilizing the old-time drive-in procedure, the order is delivered to Frodo in his motorcar by someone far too young, and far too cheery, to leave Frodo's presence without an overly generous gratuity.
Frodo learned that the traditional fare of sandwiches and congealed animal fats on the menu is supplemented by desserts and fruity drinks. Frodo noted the presence of a "Lime Slush" for $1.85 + tax. Not noted for his shyness, and pleasantly quizzical, Frodo placed his order, and was immediately impressed with the possibilities. In this particular instance Frodo returned to his hotel room, and re-filled the slushy cup to its' delivered-level with three shots of vodka.
After proper stirring, as Jackie Gleason used to say, "Wow."
Frodo has now charted SONIC locations all about the lands traversed in and near the Shire. Whenever the opportunity avails itself, Frodo will order two, and place one in the refrigerator. This edition of Sir Gimlet, held in reserve, will suffer a few big gulps when removed from the refrigerator and placed in the freezer for 10 or so minutes. Then, lovingly removed from the deep freeze, Sir Gimlet is fortified with the requisite support, and maintains Frodo's allegiance throughout the evening.
The first of the two, called immediately into combat once Frodo is clear from his motorcar, is registered with all appropriate rating agencies, and is labeled, as "platonic."
NOTE: Frodo is in no way indebted to or participant in any venture with SONIC or any of its' franchisees. He looks upon this as merely his "good deed for the day." Enjoy.