
Topic: "He's 'Little Ricky'?"(7)
Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz are names that are swiftly succumbing to the pull of times past and the ignominy of non-recognition in the pace of change we are experiencing in all types of media. For the sake of brevity, Frodo will merely point out that this husband-wife comedy combo whetted the appetites of those captured by the first step beyond radio. The show, "I Love Lucy," was loosely based on the premise of a Cuban Bandleader and his red-haired wife with Irish roots in her red hair trying to make their way in 1950's Manhattan. The producers had the wisdom to let the talented performers perform, and to take the rest of America with them as they moved to California, and eventually to a farm in New England.
"Little Ricky," their off-spring who was almost actually born on-air, was portrayed by an actor who took over the role of a growing boy on the show. The actual "Little Ricky" briefly appeared some years later as part of a rock-n-roll group known as "Dino, Desi, and Billy." History however was not kind, and little remains of his presence in the public discourse this day.
Oh incorrect you are if you believe all of that. For Frodo has cast his investigative skills to the winds and discovered that "Little Ricky" is not far away from us at all. Frodo believes that "Little Ricky" moved to Texas, and joined the political campaign of Albert Gore, Jr. After that venture proved unsuccessful, he butted heads with the local power structure, and converted to Republicantism (which is sort of like a cross between Zoroastrianism and Hinduism, in that you have to keep talking about 'the good old days' and walk knee-deep in bullshit). Since Texas is fertile ground for personas long on bullshit and short on substance, he quickly became governor. That's right dear friends, "Little Ricky" is now the world's greatest living authority on appeasement, and kissing up to Jewish voters.
His parents would be so proud.
Frodo believes he goes to the same hairdresser as John Edwards.