
Topic: "Willard" (7)
In the time before time, Willard was the name of a TV weatherman who also masquaraded as a clown. He became the foremost characterization of Ray Kroc, who needed an icon for his hamburgers and french fries. Not long thereafter, "Willard" was the agnomen of a diabolical black rat who turned on cinema leadership after developing an appetite for human flesh. Finally, there has come a politician, seemingly running an endless campaign to dispose of his inheritances, who also bears the moniker. Search as he can, Frodo is unable to recall another instance of the name "Willard" during the tenure of Middle Earth. Perhaps because the three are a clown, a rat, and a politician the logical assumption has become that prospective parents may do better by choosing something tamer than that which is shortened to "Mitt."
Frodo has this mental picture of the potential candidate for the Republicant nomination, wearing a pair of white shoes, white socks, white slacks, a white button-down shirt, and a white cardigan sweater, which bears a large blue monogram of the letter "W." Showing all 162 of his pearly whites, he dances to the choreographed ditty which goes "Lean to the left, Lean to the right, Stand up, Sit down, Fight, fight, fight!" This frog is a cheerleader, and nothing more.
The rat was a leader of other rats.
The clown laughed constantly, even though he may never have gotten the weather forecast correct.
Perhaps it is just as well that there are so few named "Willard," because complimentary characterizations thereof are few and far between. Let us be grateful that our cheerleader doesn't commence with "Push 'em back, push 'em back, harder, harder. . ." in his own commentary on the collapse of our middle class-sciety.