
Topic: "Come On Baby"(8)
Bad news, so the saying goes, comes in threes. Frodo had two doses of it on basically the same day when Le Von Helm and Dick Clark moved back from the microphone, bowing for the last time.
Frodo actually ran from the bus stop, down Buchanan Street, to turn on the television, listen to the latest hits, and dance to the music. Judy and Carol, Allen and Palmer were followed by any number of guests whose parents objected to the magic coming from Philadelphia. Fortunately, Frodo's father was at work by 3:30 PM, so parental tolerance was exacerbated at Frodo's house by an overworked Bilbo.
Some years ago, Frodo and Sam drove by the building that was the source for the sophisticated sounds of American Bandstand. It was a dumpy old warehouse--which just goes to show that magic and music are found in every nook and corner where eyes are open and feet are movin'. Thank you Mr. Clark, for making music such a phenomenal part of the days that belong to Frodo.
Things will be silent on Frodo's ledger for a few days, as Frodo and Sam climb a mountain and observe wildflowers abloom (note that, again, they do not pick the wildsflowers, dear reader). Frodo knows that along the trail he will hum the music which will be with him as long as there are breezes onto which words may be launched. Virgil Cain will be his name, and he will sing of the night they drove old Dixie down.