
Topic: "What's A Cubit?"
What day do you suppose it was that God made volcanoes? We know it wasn't the seventh day, because that is the best defined of the entire week. It seems most likely that volcanoes sort of came in with the "heavens and the earth," and have therefore been around just a few days more than man hisself. Frodo's editorial hackles are always raised when he has to interpret the words of the Lord. Frodo sees no reason why the Lord couldn't have been more precise in definitions such as these. It surely would've made things easier for the good people of South Carolina.
Recently, the people who run these rather elaborate movie theatres that show these IMAX movies caused a great deal of consternation in Charleston. IMAX, you know, is sort of what CINERAMA and 3-D used to be, except you don't have to wear those uncomfortable glasses or look at three screens at the same time. Most of the movies made for these shows have nature themes so that sex and violence can be shown in living color and nobody gets too worked up about it, since sharks and leopards aren't supposed to titillate anyone, except maybe in Alabama.
Anyways, the people who show the films in Charleston got real concerned because the IMAX film they were supposed to show failed to mention anything about apples, snakes, the ribs of Adam, or anybody who said anything remotely like "I think I'll make me a man." Instead, it was monkey talk. Monkey talk, right there in River City!
The people who were involved did the modern day imitation of Pontius Pilate and the finger bowl. It wasn't their opinion, oh no, but some of "our evangelical Christian friends" might object to the Theory of Evolution being mentioned in this Scientific film, without a counterbalancing reference to the Theory of Divine Intervention, or whatever the "religiously correct" choose to call their perspective on the first set of seven days and nights.
Frodo immediately recalled Joel Grey and Liza Minnelli in those wonderful scenes when they sang "Money makes the World Go Around, the world go around, the world go around. . ." (Cabaret, of course). The truth be told that if it isn't money, it is certainly people trying to cloak themselves from prying eyes.
Just ask Tom DeLay.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:14 PM EDT