
Topic: "Presidential Erection"
Architecture is a lost art when it comes to Frodo. Maya Lin, the genius who designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, should feel relatively secure in the fact that Frodo could not have duplicated her design had he been given an infinite amount of time, an infinite number of monkeys, etc. Frodo appreciates the explanations given him by those who have an "eye" for such things.
Frodo has been contemplating architectural design as he has thought about the Memorial which is sure to someday commemorate the current unpleasantries in the Middle East. First off, Frodo proposes that the future Memorial should be dubbed the "Pre-Emptive Strike Monument ." In that way the "War Against Terrorism" and the "Iraq War" can be combined into one money-saving edifice. The nature of the structure itself is another matter however, and Frodo can foresee much disagreement.
The "Domino Theory" of the Vietnam War prescribed that all of the countries in Southeast Asia would fall if the United States failed to confront the Communist threat. A reverse "Domino Theory" apparently specifies that if one country in the Middle East successfully implements a capitalistic democracy then they all will. This foreign policy enigma of "one begets another" has become the justification for two similar and equally controversial wars separated by only a generation in time.
Frodo visualizes a Monument with large black tiles scattered all about the Mall. Each tile will carry white spots to signify a certain value. The tiles will touch at various points to reflect the interlock between cause and effect. As "one begets another" in the game of Dominos, so shall it be recognized in the "Pre-Emptive Strike Monument" that one stupid judgment produced another.
Now if Frodo can only figure how to incorporate George W. Bush picking his nose into the final design, then he will have caught the entire significance of the tragedy. Maya Lin, eat your heart out.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:40 PM EST