
Topic: "Islamic Fundamentals"(8)
There is, has been, and apparently, always will be, a major international conspiracy virtually ignored by the "lamestream media." Frodo has suspected, ever since his ninth year at the High School of the Shire (note: Frodo did not spend nine years at the High School of the Shire, but during his ninth year of academic excellence he happened to be housed at said institution), that certain required subjects reflected a bias that was not readily explainable. Now he has the proof. Let us begin, dear reader, with the proverbial question, about the "crap" we learned in high school.
Algebra. Frodo can truthfully say, to the best of his knowledge, that he has never used, much less even considered using, anything he ever learned uttered by his Algebra teacher, Colonel Myers. Frodo is however proud of the fact that he has managed to remember the name of said teacher, despite the fact that he probably was on the Axis side during WWII.
Frodo has recently learned that the word "algebra" comes from the title of a book written by an Arabic scholar named "al-Khwariami." The word "algorithm" derives from this dude's name, and, most damning of all, the book was entitled "Al-Jabr wa-al-Muqua-bilah."
Frodo, in the vernacular, Shiites you not.
Everything is there except the power behind the conspiracy, al-Qaeda. It is only too clear to Frodo that his high school experience was intentionally diverted from the useful to the irrelevant. Now, Frodo knows that x does not equal "why," rather x most probably equals "why not?" It also opens up the entire issue of "Arabic numerals," and makes Frodo wonder if the US of A isn't being short-changed at the gasoline pumps by guys who not only control the product, but also compute the pricing therein.
Frodo now wonders about his old playmate, al-Horne. He always looked foreign to Frodo.
Well, what do you expect when Frodo gets home from paying $55 for a fill-up at his local al-Texaco?