
Topic: "Tax Driver" (9)
Frodo once truly believed that state and local governments were preferable tools in legislative hands than those wielded by the federalists. He has amended his opinion upon reflection. The examples he cites require minimal explanation, to wit.
From his earliest memories, Frodo has always been aware of the privileges available to diplomats in a foreign land. As long as he can remember, Frodo has known that thousands of unpaid parking tickets are amassed annually in places like Washington, New York, and Missoula, Montana. All of that, of course, is to guarantee ready access so that misunderstandings are minimized and prompt action can be taken as necessary in resolution of potential conflicts. These privileges, rankling as they may be to locals, are universal in application and therefore not a major problem, usually.
Fulton County, Georgia, houses one of five Indian Consulates in the State of Georgia. Note that Frodo uses the word "houses" reflecting that the question of ownership is at the crux of the issue under discussion herein (the diplomatic terminology is anticipated). Thirty days after the Indian Government moved into the newest of its consulates, they received an invoice for unpaid property taxes from Fulton County.. Thirty days thereafter, the property was sold. The Indian Government, as one might imagine, is claiming "diplomatic immunity."
Pakistani officials are laughing their asses off.
Carnival Cruise Lines has suffered quite a number of operational failures over the past many months. On more than one occasion, the US Coast Guard or other agency have been called upon to assist in the rescue of its citizenry drifting aimlessly, with out plumbing, in transient waters. The Coast Guard has invoiced Carnival Cruise Lines for services rendered. Carnival has responded that it was the duty of the US Coast Guard to respond in keeping with hundreds of years of maritime law. Indirectly, the response being that the Coast Guard should not be looking for a check in the mail.
Frodo wonders just who is going to show up the next time the good folks at Carnival run aground, without working toilets.