
Topic: "What if JR Shot Back"(9)
The local news in the Shire is the worst in all of Middle Earth. If it appears in the daily newspaper, then it will surely follow on the early afternoon news. If it appears on the early afternoon news then it will surely follow in the morning edition of the newspaper. If there was an automobile accident in Clayton County (don't ask) or a thunderstorm anywhere near Carrollton then it will be "breaking news". For true, the two stories mentioned above will acount for at least half of the 22 minutes not otherwise identified as "good news " by any of the broadcasters who mindlessly stare into the lens before them.
On the CBS affiliate there are "hard questions," or so they allege. Frodo notes that of the three broadcasting personalities, all are women, and two are black. The consistency is shattered by the reality that the white gal never gets to sit in the middle. Frodo supposes that somebody may consider the definition of an Oreo to be of concern.
The ABC affiliate does its best to maintain network independence by broadcasting the "national news" a full half-hour later than the other networks, on vidotape or whatever the technology is known as currently. This, of course, gives said station the capacity to cover the weather in Manitoba, Macon, and Blairsville. Add in the fact that some middle school administrator may have written a check that bounced and there is nothing short of a firing squad in formation.
The NBC affiliate includes "dead-head Fred," a sports announcer who suffered health problems some years ago and has been granted a lifetime job, no matter if he remembers who played the game, or if one was even played at all.
What is sadly true is the fact that not a single story dealt with any type of investigative journalism. Every report is the result of a press release, or a story line initiated elsewhere. But, worst of all is the fact that it seems to be getting worse.
Now Frodo knows that all news services are experiencing drops in revenue, but only in the Shire does it seem to be true that all that remains is what comes easy, and cheap. The only mystique is in the wardrobe.
And people wonder why so many tune in John Stewart?