
Topic: "Breaker, Breaker" (4)
"Special Agent Frodo, TV Monitor here, I have ROSEBUD skating the hall in her stocking feet just outside the Oval Office."
"Where is RADIANCE?"
"She is in the kitchen helping herself to the Cherry Vanilla."
"Does RENAISSANCE have control of the situation?"
"Actually Sir, she told me that you were in charge for the afternoon."
"Me? I'm out here on the South Lawn with a dog that piddles more than Oktoberfest in an Old Folks Home. It'll be thirty minutes before I get back inside."
"Special Agent Frodo, RENEGADE here, is there a problem?"
"Oh no problem Sir, we just seem to be having a little trouble coordinating our escort assignments for RADIANCE and REDBUD."
"Have they done their homework?"
"Affirmative Sir, and that seems to be the problem. They got their homework done much faster than we planned, and they have taken off in different directions."
"I was under the impression that you had the same reponsibility for the Bush family, and were therefore quite experienced in situations like this.?"
"That is correct RENE. . .I mean Sir. It's just that the Bush daughters never finished their homework on time, much less early."
"I see. And why was that?"
"Well Sir, you have to remember that they were from Texas."
"Special Agent Frodo? TV Monitor here, I now have ROSEBUD in the bowling alley, all by herself. RADIANCE is in the War Room playing some sort of computer simulation. Does that present a problem?"
"TV Monitor, this is the President, would you head to the War Room and disconnect my daughter from any and all systems, right now. I'll see that we put a parental chip in there as soon as possible."
"What about ROSEBUD Sir?"
"I'll go down to the bowling alley and keep her occupied until Special Agent Frodo gets back from walking the dog."
"Sir, I'm not sure that is a good idea."
"Oh, and why would you say that."
"Sir, she's bowled three straight strikes."
"Sir, TV Monitor here."
"What now?"
"Sir, the dog has slipped his leash and is practicing evasive manuvers on Special Agent Frodo. He is in hot pursuit, but it now appears that it will be quite some time before Frodo is on-line again. "
"I'm on my way to the War Room, please call RENAISSANCE and request back-up."
"Special Agent Frodo?"
"Yes Ma'am."
"Am I to understand that my daughters, collectively, ruined a new pair of socks, ate ice cream an hour before dinner, threw heavy bowling balls around without supervision, failed to walk their dog as they promised, and came close to instituting a thermonuclear war by identifying three unreported Iranian power plants as potential targets for destruction?"
"Well, I'm not so sure about all of that, Ma'am."
"Of which part are you not sure?"
"I think it was a little more than an hour before dinner when the, uh, ice cream, was, uh. . ."
"Special Agent."
"What was your assignment before the White House?"
"I was assigned to the Fairbanks District."
"Fairbanks? Like in, Alaska?"
"Yes, uh, Ma'am."
"What were your duties at that time?"
"I was on an Intergovernmental Task Force assisting the State of Alaska."
"So you worked for. . .?"
"Yes Ma'am, Governor Palin. That would be correct."
"Might I ask. . .?"
"I, uh, kept Russia under surveillance."
"So, how did you end up here, in this assignment?'
"The Bush daughters requested me. I, evidently, was highly recommended by Governor Palin."
"I'm awfully sorry that you'll be leaving us Frodo, it won't be quite the same without you around."
"I appreciate that TV Monitor, but that's the name of the game."
"Where are you off to, this time."
"Well, the orders are sealed for now, but I have overheard the use of a code word."
"And what was that?"