
Topic: "Snow Tan"(11)
The view through the Shire to the woods below encompasses a beauty difficult to explain. There is no deluge of color, there is rather the irregular shape of branches twisted by steady winds and exposed sunlight peeking from different directions as the Sun sets in mid-afternoon. The warmth is short-lived and it is not until he returns inside that Frodo even realizes that there is a ruddy glistening on his cheeks. He supposes that some would inquire about the tan upon his face, and he wonders how he would respond in as much as a simple sentence.
Looking back to the spot where he stood but a moment ago, the wind appears to have died down and the Sun is brigter. Frodo feels as if he is wasting one of the swiftly decreasing days at his disposal, and that is quite probably a comparative fact.
Tess is napping, and Dandy joins her. Sam is curled with them both, allowing Mr. Beau Neau to arise from the basement kingdom until the UPS driver rings the doorbell. After a few moments, peace returns and Frodo wistfully considers how much he will miss moments such as these someday, far too soon he is sure.
In a few days Frodo and Sam will separate themselves from their closest friends and sail off into the warmth and the sunshine. The pets cannot go, so they get their first exposure to "Camp Kennel." Dandy will not understand, and Tess will pace-and-stare, pace-and-stare, and Frodo will not sleep. Precious days with Sam are the trade-off, but the decision to go was not an easy one. No matter where he is, Frodo will feel the wind on his cheeks and trust that his fellow inhabitants of the Shire will thrill at his return.