
Topic: "Butterflies? Sheesh!"
Frodo is very proud of his garden in the Shire. Native plants, perennials, wildflowers, bulbs, and unidentified woody structures seem to keep a year-round bloom. Birds, squirrels (unfortunately), and butterflies abound, but today Frodo learned something that may change some of his focus.
Ruud Kleinpaste hosts a new show on Animal Planet called "Buggin' With Ruud." This gig ups the ante with physical stunts and acts of entomological derring-do in the vein of "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin. Kleinpaste will pull almost any stunt to spread his love for bugs. Last week he completed his eighth episode filmed entirely in the Okenfenokee Swamp, one of the creepiest, crawliest places on our planet, as well as a site for several visits by Frodo, Sam, and on one occasion, Legolas.
Saving bugs may sound like the quest of a true tree-hugger, and Kleinpaste does have a Master's in Forestry, but his mission has true scientific value. Cockroaches, ants, and maggots are nature's trash compactors, and mosquitoes are a primary food source for birds, fish, and many other animals. Increasing awareness of their value in nature's balance is a worthwhile endeavor.
Frodo believes however that Kleinpaste may have crossed the line, and his actions have produced negative consequences. In his most recent taping, Kleinpaste points to a dark mass alongside a murky pond in the Okefenokee, atop which are six swallowtail butterflies. The yellow and black aviators also abound amongst the butterfly bushes in Frodo's garden. Kleinpaste then reveals that the brown mass is the result of his own call from nature. He had relieved himself as a demonstration of the attraction that butterflies have for human waste.
Shoo, butterfly, shoo. You know that one over there looks remarkably like Paul Wolfowitz.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:13 PM EDT