
Topic: "All Charged Up"
Dr. Bob Harbort actually worked at the Princeton University Anomalies Research (don't ask how they come up with the acronym PEAR) facility setting a research agenda for consciousness studies. He reports that a combination of skin PH and static electricity will occasionally produce a confluence of factors which make the human body a storeplace for electromagnetic energy. The result being that wristwatches stop whenever the individual touches a computer keyboard. By the same token, some individuals seem to emit "negative energy," and exhibit no response whatsoever to even an electric shock.
Frodo has long accepted the fact that some people just turn him "off" or "on." George W. Bush gives off total negative energy to Frodo. Mysteriously, whenever the Incomparable Moron appears on a television set anywhere near Frodo, it automatically turns itself off. Ann Coulter makes every clock in the vicinity come to a dead stop whenever her face appears in print or on video. Frodo also reports the build-up of gases in his gastro-intestinal areas when the very name of Paul Wolfowitz is mentioned.
There once was a young man with Down's Syndrome who worked at a fast-food restaurant in the Shire. Frodo and his canine companion of the time, Lovey, a border collie, often stopped at that location. The young man would immediately recognize Lovey, and he would rush toward her for an affectionate purpose. Lovey seemed to instinctively react to the young man, and would oh so gently greet him with dog kisses. Lovey seemed to know that the young man meant no harm, and she would be epecially respectful and loving. There was an awareness on her part, and who is to say that it wasn't electromagnetic in nature?
Frodo once owned a Rambler Station Wagon, with reclining seats. Bilbo used to say that she would love for that old car to talk and to tell her about Frodo's exploits in that motorcar. The electricity generated when the ignition was off and the radio played the sweet sounds of Johnny Mathis or the Fleetwoods was, so Frodo recalls, purely animal magnetism. Those were glory days.
Frodo wonders if anybody might have listed a vintage Rambler Station Wagon on Ebay?
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:06 PM EDT