
Topic: "Smellin' Roses"
During the War Between the States "Raiders" were people who preyed on the unprotected of both sides. They were basically thieves and murderers. They operated with virtual impunity because all of the able-bodied men were away at War (there is a similie here to the present day as it relates to the National Guard deployment in Iraq). After the War ended, many of the "Raiders" fled to the open lands of the West. Those who hung around too long, well, they were usually hung.
Frodo had heard of a cave in the mountains not far from the retreat he and Sam maintain in the land beyond the Shire. Frodo was told by Gandalf that "Raiders" had used the cave as their "hideout" and it was where they were surrounded and brought to justice after the War. Frodo was told that four of the dozen or so were hung at that location.
Frodo found the cave's location on a topographical map. For many days Frodo and his canine assistant Lovey searched for that cave. It appeared as if it were atop a hillock just beyond the third creek to the East of the retreat. Frodo was confounded by the fact that not all of the creeks flow throughout the year, so it was difficult to determine which was the third creek. In addition, the area is overgrown in the warm months, and only when the trees are bare is there adequate visual access. Lovey passed from the Shire without ever sharing the discovery with Frodo.
One Sunday, Frodo met two professional spelunkers who were also searching for the cave. They had the latest satellite guidance devices and were utilizing them to guide their search. Unfortunately Frodo was rushed for time, and was unable to accompany them. They exchanged contact information with Frodo however, and promised to let him know their results. They kept their promise and told Frodo that they found the cave entrance in a "sinkhole" just as the topographical map had indicated.
Frodo, along with Mick (the Wonder Dog) and Princess Fiona (the most beautiful girl in the World), have attempted on several occasions to find the cave. Again, they have met with frustration.
Frodo is going to try again this weekend. Frodo feels the need to get out with his friends and take a look around. There may not be any roses to smell at this time of year, but if the three of us can find a place to sit real quiet, we might just catch a glimpse of our friends Lovey and Rocky. Maybe they have found the cave, and can show us the way.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:59 PM EST