Mood: sad
Topic: "IED's in Congress" (2)
Frodo detests the hypocrisy of politics and politicians. To react without glee when a particularly egregious individual sinks to the level where he belongs has always been a struggle for Frodo. It has always seemed as if now, things will get better, so why not be happy? That is, until today.
Frodo is disconsolate. Despite his disagreements with so many of these people, he knows that for many of his fellow citizens these were the people who represented, or so they thought, the values that are truly American. Hard work, individual responsibility, thrift, a strong national defense, and having just enough government to get by with are the theoretical cornerstones of those who deem themselves conservative. Tonight they must feel that the great test of hope versus greed that manifests itself in the pending adulthood of every Hobbit has been breached by those who lead their side of the Aisle, if you will. Frodo takes no joy in a loss of faith in the institutions constructed on the blood and fortune of those who dreamed of better days in our land.
The third in line to be President is a piece of toast. He did not act on principle when it was absolutely demanded of any adult. The firing squad stands in a circle, and each shot directed at him finds another target. How absolutely depressing it is to see that so many in whom so much responsibility rests failed their test. Politics be damned, this was all about right and wrong.
Bob Seger recently released a new album. The fourth song is entitled, "No Matter Who You Are." Frodo thinks every American should listen, and listen closely.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:59 PM EDT