Mood: hungry
Topic: "Tora Bora Lora. . ." (2)
Bilbo taught Frodo to never swim in the deep end until he was sure that he was able to reach firm footing when circumstances required it. That was Bilbo's way of telling Frodo to never get in over his head. Too bad that Bilbo never got to meet Senator Bill Frist.
The surgeon turned politican who set himself up for public ridicule during the Terry Schiavo affair has heaped even more judgmental dung upon his public persona. While touring Afghanistan with fellow Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) in the kind of educational exploration that only seems to benefit the travelers themselves, Senator Frist was asked to prognosticate about the future of Afghanistan in the larger world. In an absolutely mind-boggling statement Frist indicated that he felt the Taliban would have to be an integral part of any stable governmental system. As a reminder, dear reader, it was the Taliban which harbored Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda before and after the attacks of 9/11/01. It is the same Taliban which George W. Bush, in typical Bush-family fashion, failed to destroy during the ill-fated "War on Terror," allowing these monsters to regain strength and to re-emerge from their subterranean garbage dumps. Our boy, Dr. Frist, once-harboring dreams of a Frist Presidency, wants to give credence to the continued presence on the Planet Earth of these vipers.
Frodo absolutely freaks out when the spin-masters back in the Senator's command post rise to "revise and extend" the Senator's remarks. "He didn't really mean what he said," they imply, "remember the altitude in Afghanistan is such that the Senator was suffering from oxygen deprivation."
Yeah, right, and the next thing we know, he'll be admitted to an Alcohol Rehab program.
"Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio? Our nation turns its' lonely eyes to you."
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 2:56 AM EDT