
Topic: "Good Friday It Was"(9)
Sometimes, cards dealt are the cards to play. On Good Friday, Frodo met another doctor, a nice man to be sure. Suggested by another, the new doctor deals in blood, and there were apparently some concerns therein. The decision being that Frodo would do nothing, but come back in three months. The new doctor said, simply, that he wanted to make sure that doing nothing is the right thing.
Frodo asked him if he were a Republican, and they laughed.
The "platelet count" seemed high to Frodos regular doctor. It seemed high to the new guy, also, but from a relative point of view, it was not a concern. Frodo felt a whole lot better, as did Sam. Instead of promising to never consume more than 4 ounces of spirits at a single setting, the Hobbit put a severe dent in a Jack Daniels namesake, saluting pure fate at every lapse in the toasting thereto.
The new doctor asked Frodo if he were a Republican. Frodo told him those were fighting words, and they laughed once again.
That evening Frodo ran his fingers across the pate of the noble Dandy, promising him that they would soon swim in the big water dish in the sky. They looked up to the stars, together, grateful that time was still on their side, and that Sam would be there when they came back to shore.
Dandy may not yet know what a Republican is, but he knows what he doesn't like.