
Topic: "Prudent" (10)
Dana Carvey is a comedic actor who is best remembered for his mimicry, particularly on "Saturday Night Live," whence cometh characters such as"the Church Lady" and "the first President Bush." Frodo picks on him this day because of his frequent use of the term "prudent".
President Obama now faces the miasma of Foreign Policy, which seems to absorb every American President in the latter stages of administration. His opponents appear so intent upon the political that the unity which such decision-making requires begins to disappear even when the decisions are unequivocally in the national best interest. Frodo was struck by the fact that one supporter of the President used the term "prudent" to describe the wisdom exercised by President Obama. Frankly, Frodo wishes he had used another word.
Norman Schwarzkopf had Saddam Hussein in his sights and could have taken him out except for the fact that it was deemed to be "not prudent." Had that decision been reversed, there would have been a much earlier determination that there were no "weapons of mass destruction". Similarly, no one would have paid any attention to the "Neocons" who argued for war against Saddam Hussein, and relaxed the effort to destroy bin Laden. Those decisions, obviously, underscore the meaning of "prudent".
Frodo hopes that "prudent" is replaced by "statesmanlike." Bill Kristol would be apoplectic, as well he should. The President knows what he is doing, and he is doing it well.