
Topic: "Anvil Throwin' Time"(8)
"When your opponent is goin' down for the third time, don't make the mistake Democrats usually make and throw him a life preserver. Throw him an anvil." -- James Carville
In 2002, Willard Mitt Romney personally signed five documents, each of which identified him as the Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, President, and Principal Investor in separate entities of Bain Capital. The documents each specified that he was to receive at least $100,000 in non-investment income (which is 'salary') annually from Bain Capital. The documents, as required by law, were filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) and are available as a matter of public record.
Last evening, Willard Mitt Romney appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and CNN and stated that he was not involved in any management or investment role with Bain Capital after his resignation in February of 1999.
When queried, Romney further indicated that he would not provide additional copies of his Federal Income Tax Returns beyond or prior to the years 2010 (previously made public) and 2011 (still in preparation) for public inspection. This, despite the fact that his father, George W. Romney, had submitted 12 years of his own Federal Income Tax Returns when seeking the Republican nomination for the Presidency. George Romney said at the time that to provide only a year or two of information could be a "fluke" and not be reflective of the substance. Additionally, Senator John McCain, when seeking the Presidency in 2008, made 23 years of his Federal Income Tax Returns available for public inspection.
Throughout his campaign for the Presidency, Willard Mitt Romney has argued, consistently, that he is better prepared to handle economic issues than his opponent, President Barack Hussein Obama, because of his experience in the "private sector" at Bain Capital. In response to allegations that he was not only personally "sheltering income in foreign bank accounts" but the "out sourcing" of jobs from American companies serviced by Bain Capital, Romney has steadfastly insisted that he was not responsible for any such activity or result after his departure from Bain Capital in February of 1999. This, despite his sworn written statements to the SEC identifying specific titular responsibilities with Bain Capital more than three years later.
It would reach into speculation, at this point in time, to proffer Romney's reasoning for his reluctance to provide complete Federal Income Tax Return information commencing with the year 1999. Frodo will leave such speculation to others. Let him add however that it will take something beyond the magnitude of Barack Obama being photographed in the nude with Jerry Sandusky to put Willard Mitt Romney in the White House given the cries of the rat drowning before our very eyes.