
Topic: "Wither Weather"(9)
Nina and Nino are Spamish-language terms which Frodo initially assumed were two of the ships that Columbus utilized when invading the western hemisphere. In summary, he was probably close to being correct. Depending on which happens to be underneath a prevailing wind, unseasonable weather occurs somewhere, almost every day. Since it is Spring in the Shire, that must logically mean that the weather outside is pretty crummy. That assumption is substantiated by the congenial stroll which two nameless canines initiated and maintained upon their best friend. In the vernacular, Frodo froze his ass off while these two checked out every pile of discharge assembled during the past quarter-century.
On the bright side, Frodo's unwillingness to spend too much time in the great out-of-doors has eliminated the procrastination involved in the annual preparation of the income tax return. Job one. Additionally, Frodo has completed the reviews promised old friends of their independent chronologies to which Frodo bore witness when they actually happened. Job two. Finally, Frodo attacks the keyboard in order to bring to summary his 28th consecutive massacre of "March Madness" predictions in the NCAA Basketball Tournament (Ed Note--please remember that Frodo picked Villanova to defeat Georgetown in 1985). Job three, pending the initiation of a nap. Harvard beat New Mexico, and something called Florida Coastal Waterway Agricultural & Mining (or something close to that) has become the lowest-rated team to ever make the "Sweet Sixteen?"
The Weather Channel, now under the tutelage of NBC, has been performing as if their vocation paralleled Frodo's prognostications. Frodo also has learned that someone has filed suit against "Punxatawney Phil" for seeing his shadow on Groundhog Day (Ed. Note Two--please remember that a lady in Arizona once filed suit against God for making her ugly, stupid, and Governor, Frodo assumes). Perhaps it is best that Frodo move away from said keyboard and think much more seriously about that nap mentioned above. It's a dog's world out there today.