
Topic: "What Goes Around" (6)
Saint George, the subject of a discussion some months ago, is he who involved Frodo in the annual bell-ringing in behalf of the Salvation Army. He is one of the kindest, most community-minded individuals that Frodo has ever known. He participates in the annual census of the homeless in Atlanta, and can always be counted upon to offer time and service to worthy causes.
More than a year ago, Saint George and his Honey had scheduled a vacation cruise commencing in Chile, circling the South American continent, and ending in Miami. The beginning leg of their journey was a flight from Atlanta to Santiago, where they would spend a night or two in a hotel and spend the free day touring the charm of the city, before boarding ship.
The trip began innocently enough, and after their arrival and check-in at their hotel, the good people decided to take a walk out the front door of the hotel in order to get their body clocks in operation. Not ten feet outside, Honey was knocked to the pavement by a thief absconding with her handbag. The result was a broken hip, ribs, and significant, unidentifiable pain in her lumbar region. She was rushed to a hospital, and spent the next five days in intensive care, rather than beneath an umbrella on the deck of a cruise ship. The refugee from justice escaped.
Honey still limps noticeably, according to Saint George, and she is generally confined to a wheelchair. Sometimes, thinks Frodo, bad things do happen to good people.
Frodo has been watching the devastation and the carnage surrounding the earthquake and tsunami which has stricken Chile. Frodo knows that neither Saint George nor Honey share his feelings this evening, but he can't help but hope that something bad has happened to that jerk that caused so much pain.
Frodo, too, is imperfect. He is merely a Hobbit.