Mood: mischievious
Topic: "Sidin' With Anemone"(4)
Mr. Beau Neau is a magnificent white cat. After several years of confinement, he found his way to the Shire and promptly put the dog-door to good use. Fortunately, the Shire provides both a barrier and protection to those who wander beneath the azaleas and amidst the English Ivy. Thus Mr. Beau Neau patrols the edges of the territory in exactly the same manner as do his larger, less domestic, feline relatives on continents beyond Middle Earth. Watching him patrol the fenced border is something that the folks at "Animal Planet" would find worthy of a Sunday afternoon special broadcast. He is however, not a pure denizen to the potential prey at his disposal, for he also participates in the marvelous symbiosis of life in the slow lane.
Frodo has several artifical residences for the songbirds, which is an acceptable supplement to the natural environs subscribed to by most. In all likelihood, it is chickadees, wrens, and titmice who seem to eventually try Frodo's offerings, and to raise families in his rental units. While examining one of the boxes with a quick one-eyed stare, Frodo happened to note light colors in the darkness. Subsequently, once he was sure that the inhabitants had vacated the premises, Frodo opened the box in order to closely examine the nest therein. What he found was cat fur, white cat fur, completely lining the nest as insulation for the most recent entrants into the wide world of life in the Shire.
Frodo initiated an examination of all the bird boxes in the Shire, and, sure enough, he found at least some white cat fur in each of them. The titmice tended to best utilize the cat fur, with the wrens showing some, but not much, use for the excess, shall we say, couture of Mr. Beau Neau. Frodo could not help but recall the several consecutive years in which the fur of his dear, departed, gentle Lovey (surrogate mother of Mick, the Wonder Dog), appeared in bird nests. Marveled Frodo however, that he had never seen cat fur used in such a manner.
Frodo could not help but note that Mr. Beau Neau seemed to raise his nose and head off in the direction of each of the subject bird boxes at some point during his observations. Perhaps, thought Frodo, the noble feline is merely exercising his dominion over his territory. Then again, the craven homocidal maniac may have laid out excess fur for the purpose of providing himself with a stocked hunting supply.
Perhaps Frodo and Sam may consider changing his name to "Dick Cheney."