
Topic: "Bobby, not Ben"(6)
Rare it is that Frodo should find himself in philosophical alignment with anyone who ever attended Texas A&M, much less one who has since become a hot-air buffoon on the public airwaves. Neil, or is it Neal, Boortz, actually once said that Ann Coulter was a beautiful woman (this was the closest point in his entire existence where Frodo considered a sex change). Boortz dominates in his time-slot among all those who wait for Rush Limbaugh to follow, or is it to precede, while Frodo listens for the next spin of the disc that once was waxen. By error, Frodo sometimes lands on the wrong station and thus was born the one instance described below.
State Representative Bobby Franklin (R-43rd District) of Georgia runs in a "safe" district. His constituents are overwhelmingly white, overweight, conservative, and intellectually uninvolved. So much so in fact that Franklin has only had two serious primary challengers and no partisan opponent in the decade-and-a-half or so that the "people's choice" has served. During that time, he has not sponsored a single piece of legislation that has ever even attained the level of "serious consideration" to merit a floor vote. In fact, most Republicans admit to "rolling their eyes" and routing his bright ideas to the back rooms of the partisan dungeons reserved as a general rule for suggestions from the Democratic Minority.
Bobby Franklin has finally made the big news however, and it is indeed possible that most would have found out about Bobby even without the informational assault provided by the "social media." The "representative " has submitted a plan to require an legislative investigation of every "miscarriage" reported by the medical establishment throughout the State of Georgia. Bobby, no relation to Ben by the way, wants to make sure that no woman, much less a medical practitioner, would dare to conduct an "abortion" under the guise of a tenuous procedure and label it a "miscarriage."
Boortz, who fantasies himself as a "Libertarian," sees the Franklin proposal to be an unnecessary invasion of the government upon the individual liberties of the masses. Frodo sees it as merely the rantings of a loon.
What grinds Frodo is that nutcakes like Franklin get re-elected because people are just too busy to pay proper attention to off-year and other minor election issues. His parents and the Sleaze Baggers all turn out to vote for their boy, and this gets translated as the "will of the people." What hurts, on a national scale, is that the absence of 40,000,000 voters in 2010, as opposed to 2008, means that "busy" people give Bobby Franklin's parents the opportunity to terminate collective bargaining rights and restrict other individual liberties.
Glenn Beck would be proud.