
Topic: "Friend by your Side" (4)
Weekends in the Shire are often filled by ritual. In modern times, that has included a game of soccer, followed by a game of tennis ball and, shortly thereafter, a walkabout. Mick, the Wonder Dog, and Fiona ("the most beautiful girl in the world") participate with ageless Frodo, if, indeed, participate is the proper word. There is an anxiety in brown-eyed creatures in early morn, and an expectation of ritual observance despite the clime. That is why a Hobbit and two canine companions played in the rain this day.
Frodo knows that days such as these, despite the inconvenience of mud and wet, are to be savored. There is gray about the muzzle of Mick, the Wonder Dog, and Princess Fiona limps noticeably, a fact which even a strong heart cannot hide. In days past it was Lucky, Snooze, Sig, Prissy, Lovey, Gumbo, and Georgia who alternately led, then followed, the Hobbit on his merry rounds. Rocky and Punkin,' the feline predecessors to Beau Neau McKitty, and both Peeper and Sydney from the airways, have been significant contributors to adventure and heartbreak. A "family reunion" is an event that will occur only when Frodo eventually enters the proper gate, and tosses tennis balls from every cloud.
Frodo and Sam have often discussed the existence of a "puppy angel," omnipresent, when needed. The existence of which was something that Frodo mentioned in conversation in recent days. A friend, who recently lost employment, told Frodo that the most difficult of adjustments is that which comes with having nothing to do at 6:00 AM. Frodo immediately interjected that a daily duty of his in the subject time period is the approximate correlation of urination and the first entry by the Wonder Dog into the gardens of the Shire. His friend laughed, then began to consider the deeper meaning of Frodo's comments.
Frodo and companions will soon pursue the walkabout for this day. Despite his protestations to the contrary, Frodo knows that Mick, the Wonder Dog, will take note of every fresh pile of poop deposited within the distance of a leash for the next hour or so. Fiona will observe Mick, the Wonder Dog's inattention at such moments, and will bark an alarm in order to elicit a feverish response. Mick, the Wonder Dog, never seems to catch on, for it is his sworn duty to ever defend his smaller friend, and he reacts thusly. The annoyances are part of the joy, and that is one of the reasons why the contingent seems to enjoy their time together. At least that is what smiles and long tongues tell Frodo.
Mick, the Wonder Dog, is a working dog by definition. One such as he requires physical activity each and every day, and to do less is cruel. Frodo knew that going in, and he has never regretted one second of the commitment. The activity is good for Frodo, and never leaves him with idle time on his hands, for Mick, the Wonder Dog, does not compute a maximum amount of activity, then call it a day. He is always ready to go.
Frodo cannot help but think about what comes next. Sasha and Melia are all agog over their first puppy, while Sam has been rather outspoken in the avoidance of the future demands that an untrained producer of waste products requires. Frodo knows only that he will always need someone to talk to who is as impressed with his musings as well as with his blather. Such a companion is, indeed, a wonder.
All things considered, it is another good day in the Shire.