
Topic: "Cat Fight" (5)
Non-public statements which become public knowledge are part of Frodo's avocational interest in politics. With the exception of professional sports and the journalists who cover them, nobody does it better than politicians and those who tend to write books two years later. The Senior Senator from Nevada, and the former Governor of Alaska appear in a new book today as if they had planned to appear naked and let small children discover that neither was wearing clothes. Sam is an advocate of greater research into the true and untold story of the 2008 Republican Presidential candidates, and their spouses.
Sir Todd, we know, has a multi-year documented membership in a white supremacist organization which the Vice Presidential aspirant tried to ignore. It can safely be assumed that Senator McCain at some point in time became aware of Todd's buddies, and Frodo would like to go on record as saying that he truly believes McCain was not thrilled.
The real unknown however, is the relationship between Cindy McCain and Sarah. In silence, Frodo has spent countless hours searching Cindy's face whenever she shared a public appearance with "The Flying None." As a lifelong student of feminine expressions, Frodo has a self-developed acuity for determining when a woman is in the presence of someone she cannot stomach (Frodo, after all, has admitted to not having won every scoring opportunity). It is Frodo's professional opinion, and not unsurprisingly confirmed by friend Samwise, that Cindy McCain was sorely tempted to push Sarah's head into a tub of water and to hold it there until the conclusion of the Iowa Primary.
Frodo is reminded of the look that the housewife of thirty years might have upon her countenance when she learned that her husband once played golf with Tiger Woods. It is probable, in Frodo's mind, that said housewife might want to get an accounting of cellphone usage, and to see if there were any golf clubs in the SUV. Cindy has that same look in her eyes, just like that which caused Caesar to take special note of Brutus' presence at the terminus of his political career.
Sam is willing to consider offering a reward to anyone who gets Cindy to talk. Frodo, again, remarks that inquiring minds, simply, want to know.