
Topic: "Das Ende" (6)
Frodo has, for a number of reasons, purposefully avoided predictions herein. Even when he was completely confident that Barack Obama would be elected President of the Newnited States, he did not put that into words. His academic training included an appreciation for the public moods that alter with the tide, the coming of Spring, fictitious assaults on naval vessels, and political leaders sleeping in at the local Motel 6. Supporting himself in graduate school, Frodo saw first-hand that asking direct questions, under pressure, were deeper in feeling than theoretical castings. It is, for example, better "science" to say, the day before an election, that one is going to vote for Candidate A than it is for a tax-paying voter to say, in February, that "taxes are too high."
The Sleaze Bag Partyers have been an uninteresting phenomena in the political off-season. The scientific measurement of just who these adherents happen to be is just becoming evident, as their numbers and influence begin to wane. Although the actual nadir is speculative at this point, it is clear to Frodo that the oblivion they so richly deserve is in sight. The puny attendance at sponsored demonstrations on the date of the filing deadline for income taxes is the objective demonstration of the demise of the latest wing of the "American Independent Party" (remember them?)
George Wallace, John Anderson, Ross Perot, and even Teddy Roosevelt (the Bull Moose Party) are all among the names we can associate, dear reader, with the "silent majority" or any of the other terms that have been amalgamated with the statistical offal which has been a presence among the American electorate. Given that the almost 20% of the present electorate that identifies themselves with the Sleaze Bags, it is not surprising that more than 90% are opposed to Barack Obama. Two-thirds watch Faux News, 40% are retirees, almost 70% normally identify themselves as Republican, and almost half are Southerners. As Frodo has said before, we're talking about fat white guys who are facing life's end with little or no accomplishments. That, in Frodo's opinion, is why you see so many in military-type-garb, because they never did anything else.
The Sleaze Bag Party is a production of Dick Armey, a fat white guy with no accomplishments himself, building on the Jim DeMint (also white, but dumber than he is fat) assertion that Barack Obama would face "Waterloo", assuming there was an Army to confront him. The drafting of the "American Independent Party" into the Republican ranks was merely a media-applied effort to aver that the latest national election was uncharacteristic of the national mood. In the verbiage of the Incomparable Moron, it was the "stragedy" of the Republicants to counter the populism of an enlightened leader.
Frodo counsels good friends to expect setbacks in the off-year elections. It is the prevailing pattern, and it will happen, although Frodo feels strongly that Charlie Crawford and others are far from accurate in their prognostications.
All of what Frodo has to say in this diatribe is based on the assumption that the Iranians do not have any ships in the Gulf of Tonkin. Do not expect Frodo to offer additional instances of prediction within the next 940 postings. He did so in this instance simply because Sam has been driving him crazy moaning about how bad things might become.