
Topic: "Day of Infamy" (4)
June 2, 1932, dawned like any other day for Mr. George Perry. One can imagine that the Depression hit hardest for those in farming communities like his in south central Georgia. If there was no work in a textile mill or on a large farm, then it fell upon him to somehow provide food for his family. On this particular day, George Perry had it in his mind to catch a "mess" of fish in a nearby farm pond. What followed from that decision has impacted on the lives of thousands, if not millions, of people ever since.
Seventy-six years ago this Monday, George Perry landed a 22-pound, 4-ounce largemouth bass, arguably what has since become the most sought-after freshwater angling record in the world. Frodo, in his quest to surpass Mr. Perry, has achieved 7 pounds, 1-ounce in his closest approximation. Frodo keeps a number of pictures comparing his "lunker" to small dogs, a grown Hobbit, and an ice chest. Frodo can only imagine equivalent comparisons to Mr. Perry's catch. Although Frodo has never seen the site of that magnificent event, he understands it to be a rather modest spot, and that no one is really sure what Mr. Perry used for "bait" (although Frodo assumes it was probably a live goat, a la "Jurassic Park").
Frodo has been a generous contributor to the largely-American industry which supplies paraphenalia to assist in the effort to best George Perry. Frodo has lures that fizzle, pop, go whirl, twirl, sink, float, dive, and fully expects to someday own one which actually flies. Frodo notes that this singular achievement is, indeed, a world record, and that these American manufactured goods are exported to largemouth bass pursuers in almost every nation in the world. Saudi Arabia and Iceland are unfortunately not active trading partners with the US of A in this regard however. What is most amazing about all of this is that a multi-billion dollar industry has grown from the simple fact that a good old boy just went fishin'.
For explainable reasons, Frodo envisions Mr. Perry as looking a lot like Jed Clampett. Which then raises fond memories of "Elly Mae."
Frodo has been working too hard. Maybe he needs to go fishin'.