
Topic: "Blitzkrieg Bellini" (2)
From the Isle of Santorini to the cliffs over Dubrovnik, and counting all the passengers aboard, Frodo was only able to count ONE person who expressed distress over the results of the Mid-Term Elections. The opinion that, with Nancy Pelosi in position as "third-in-line to the Presidency," the future of America would be sorely tested was voiced only by an overweight, grey-haired, white, female American. Frodo did not let the comment pass unchallenged.
The President of the United States is viewed as an incompetent boob. Frodo knows because he asked people what they thought and, generally, if the English was adequate, he was able to surmise that people everywhere have been terrified of the misjudgments and deceptions. Individually, people everywhere have seemingly suppressed their opinions for fear that they might alienate someone on whom they depend for income. When their opinions were sought however, people opened their mouths and said what was on their mind.
Which brings Frodo to the point of this evening's diatribe that, in groups, Germans and Italians fully justify the fact that the world has gone to War against them with relish and frequency. Rudeness must be a required field of study for all their citizens before they are allowed to venture beyond their national borders. Lines are taught to be ignored, and the fact that a direct frontal assault on any individual in your way is patently acceptable behavior. Attempting to verbally re-adjust the situation is a non-factor in behavior, and placing one's hands on an unwelcome intruder results in a stare of defiance and feigned indignity.
Frodo found that, individually, all of these people were charming and eager to talk, but in groups, watch out! Frodo eventually took matters into his own hands and combined his own "bull-in-a-china shop" counter-offensive against the "Old Europe" with a single word, spoken in German. The word is "arschloch." For the equally offensive Italians Frodo simply didn't have the vocabulary to timely devise a verbal response which would command attention when uttered. The solution was to tactfully place his heel on the toes of the pusher and to bear down just enough to bring about a temporary withdrawal.
Frodo may be the re-incarnation of George S. Patton.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:53 PM EST