
Topic: "Mister Roberts" (8)
Every time that Frodo has ever made a semi-informed prognostication he has found himself with crow feathers between his teeth. For that reason he once again has stood on the sidelines while events seemingly pass by him. He has not remarked upon the passing of Nora Ephron, because he truly loved the movie "Michael," and he wanted everybody else to spend time with Harry & Sally, Insomnia in Seattle, and her ex-husband.
Michael gave up his last moments on Earth because of Sparky. Frodo chokes up, even now.
Frodo made the emotional error of placing John Roberts in the same chair as the infamous Tanney. Frodo fell victim, again, to the influence of the Ring, when he equated that toot to the apparent partisanship of the Chief Justice. With all pretense of understanding the motivations of Roberts thus cast aside, Frodo assumed that the worst would happen. Frodo does not know why things developed as they actually did, but he is pleased that such is so.
As the sailors wrote in their final correspondence to Henry Fonda who was playing the beloved Doug Roberts, "Thanks Mr. Roberts."
Frodo apologizes for his broken promise. Justice Roberts deserves more. Frodo will do better, and wait a little longer in the future before engaging oral musculature.