
Topic: "Proud Walter" (5)
If there were truly an award known as an "Attaboy," Frodo would be pleased to stand at the podium of choice and award one to Ms. Katie Courick and the staff of the CBS EVENING NEWS. The network used the entire broadcast of the evening news on both Monday and Tuesday, as well as nearly all of Wednesday, to analyze and explain the situational War in Afghanistan as it commences its ninth year. That's right sports fans, the entire show was dedicated to one single, complex, story, and there was no mention of David Letterman, Tea Parties, or Max Baucus. Frodo and Sam were riveted, in much the same way as they were a lifetime ago when Walter Cronkite held the public trust.
The appropriate web location of the CBS EVENING NEWS allows everyone to access the broadcast, and to draw their own conclusions from the brilliantly assembled presentation. Frodo recommends that everyone who loves this country, and who wants to hear factual, professional reporting take advantage of the opportunity.
Frodo has cast many stones at Ms. Courick. He felt that her appointment to the anchor chair was a debacle, and he laughed out loud as she sprawled all over the set in order to offer a more relaxed atmosphere to the serious news of the day. She gained a measure of his respect by her dogged pursuit of the true Sarah Palin, but it has been in the days since the 2008 Election that she has blossomed, if you will, into "simply the best, better than all the rest."
Dear reader knows that Frodo is deeply concerned by the status of the Afghan War. The in-depth strategic discussions by the Obama "War Council" are a necessary step in safe passage on the road that takes us out of that place. Knowing the facts, and appreciating the depth of the dilemma, is something that we, as a nation, have not experienced for a long, long time.
Thank you Ms. Courick. Attaboy!