
Topic: "Warm Bucket of Spit"(4)
It was innocent enough, all the speculation taking place, but Frodo has to honestly admit that he had absolutely no idea that a Democrat was the Congressional Representative for "Barney" Bush and his fellow residents at America's answer to Abu Ghraib. Representaive Chet Edwards was identified yesterday as a contender for the Vice Presidency because of his long-standing and superior performance, and Frodo nearly popped an aorta. To imagine that Frodo would be theoretically forced to choose between John McCain and Mitt Romney paired against someone from a town called Whacko, in Texas, would simply fall beyond the scope of credibility.
Perhaps the Hillary Clinton supporters weren't so far off-base after all.
Countless hours in front of the black-and-white left Frodo with nothing more than a promise that he would eventually receive a text message on his cellular telephone. As the night wore on, Frodo found himself pacing back-and-forth hoping that reason would prevail, and that Barack Obama would select someone, anyone, who would not automatically be excluded from Frodo's consideration. As the Texan John Nance Garner once said, the job of Vice President is not worth a "warm bucket of spit." Frodo happens to believe that about any and all Texans.
Frodo began to consider the cost of building a wall.
Suddenly Frodo sprang up, peering at the digital clock. He had slept, and had missed his text message. When the black-and-white came into focus he noted the news anchor holding up one of those scummy New York tabloids which read "It's Joe."
There is a God.