
Topic: "Horsehockey" (3)
Frodo once got into an argument about the Book of Genesis. It happened right about the time that the Georgia State Legislature, which is a well-meaning but undistinguished collection of unindicted co-conspirators, began to debate the issue of animal cruelty. In the State of Georgia, such an act was defined as a misdemeanor, as opposed to a felony. Every imaginable form of animal cruelty, from cockfighting to unimaginable neglect, was punishable merely by a de minimus fine and little more than a night in jail. Frodo legitimately thought that once the issue was public that it would be impossible to argue against God's charge to Adam to exercise "dominion" over the creatures of the earth.
The corpulent literal acceptor of the King James Version said, in front of Frodo, that the proposed legislation was "against God's Holy Scripture." Frodo was unabashedly shocked, and made the mistake of asking for a rational response to what in the blazes did that mean? Frodo was told that God's use of the word "dominion" meant that Man was to take complete and unquestioned control over the creatures of the earth. This control meant that Man could not be questioned for exercising dominion over those for whom he was responsible. Frodo was almost speechless, the moron was actually arguing that God told Adam to feel no remorse for his conduct toward God's creations.
Frodo learned that day that there will always be people with whom one cannot argue. Perhaps that is one of the reasons that Frodo is so sensitive to the creatures of the Shire. Not unlike the burden of the Ring, if not Frodo, then who?
Pets are dying in America because of tainted pet food. Frodo does not mean to suggest that the recalled products are anything more than unfortunately despoiled. He does argue however, that there should be liability for a manufacturer, a distributor, and/or a regulator who are responsible for despoiled product in the hands , or paws, of a consumer. That is the definition of "dominion" of which the God that Frodo knows used when he spoke to Adam.
That is an argument that Frodo will make every single day.