Mood: down
Topic: "If" (6)
Personal and professional adversity often drive the Hobbit to Rudyard Kipling. Considering the solace offered by his counsel, Frodo wonders how Al Gore and John Kerry handle losing to, him. Surely the tumult and the turpidity of those subsequent years weigh heavily as guilt for not winning. Of course, John McCain may have similar feelings, and that inspires the following as purported historical events herein prognosticated had he, indeed, been elected President.
Sarah Palin would have been impeached within two years based on her indictment for accepting illegal campaign contributions and gifts of fine clothing from top designers, most notably Sam Walton.
Joe Lieberman would have become Vice President.
Barack Obama would sign a contract with the Miami Heat.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average on the final day of McCain's first term would achieve the yearly zenith of 134.68, up 7.44 for the day.
The planet Earth would suffer a schism upon the detonation of a nuclear device on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico.
Hillary Clinton would spend more than 47 months residing in the States of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.
Hamid Karzai would enter into an alliance with a Mexican Drug Cartel.
The cumulative assets of the former General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler organizations would be sold to the newly-pardoned investment firm run by Bernie Madoff. The check would bounce.
The Departments of Education, Health & Human Services, Commerce, Transportation, Interior, and Labor would be combined into a single Cabinet-level (the acronym being ECHLIT) organization, employing 18 people and housed in their new headquarters in Blackwater Falls, Minnesota.
"Let's see," said Frodo, "how does it go? Oh yes, . . .you keep your head, when those about you are losing theirs. . ."