
Topic: "Macaca, Your Macaca" (2)
In the movie "Groundhog Day," Bill Murray keeps awakening to a repeat of the day before. After almost six years of George W. Armstrong Custer Bush and his moronic gaffes in both his choice of words and his actions, George Allen is almost more than anyone could imagine. Could there be some sort of divine plan to punish mankind by repeating the past eight years with eight more years of imbecilic cowboy boots and insensitive perceptions of the outside world? Frodo is considering another cup of coffee, this one laced with something pronounced.
Here are two goons, children of privilege, both of whom found ways to avoid basic military service as well as any prosecution for their youthful peccadillos. The first goon is now 1,202 days into his proclamation that the foray into Iraq is "Mission Accomplished." It should be noted for historical reference that more than 62% of respondents now feel(remember, 1,202 days after everything was successfully concluded)that the entire effort was ill-advised. The second goon, before an all-white crowd of supporters deep in the mountains of Appalachia, singled out the only dark-skinned attendee (a travelling cameraman for his Senate rival)as a "Macaca." He subsequently apologized, stating that even though he called the young man one, he had no idea what it was.
There are times when Frodo feels that the most banal can be applied without being obscene. The Mission is not accomplished Mr. President. The young man is not a North African Negroid Senator. Your joint apologies, re-statements, and clarifications are just plain bullshit.
Perhaps the wasteland of the media is now simply so huge that it is impossible for any politician to avoid the human slips and errors reflected in poorly-conceived policies or attempts at humor. If so, then the literal skill of John Kennedy, or Franklin Roosevelt, or even Abraham Lincoln might also be tarnished if each had been subject to the same scrutiny. Frodo chooses to believe otherwise. Guys like Bush and Allen are just so full of misinformation that it spills out all around both of them. Smells bad, too.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 10:07 PM EDT