
Topic: "I'll Huff and Puff" (4)
"Senator McCain, Town-Hall Meeting Attendee Frodo here, how are you this evening?"
"Good, I'm glad to here that Sir. You know at your age you need to be careful, and as we all know, it seems like most people seem to die in close proximity to their birthday. Your birthday is coming up in about a week, isn't it?"
"Well Senator, all of that aside, I guess we can't let this evening pass without asking about those seven houses, with an approximate value of $14M, that you couldn't seem to ennumerate for that reporter from Politico.Com."
"Yessir, I cetainly agree, reporters do tend to dwell on the less important issues. In any event Sir, I'm sure that the audience out there in TV land would like to know more than what they have heard from those worthless media types. Sir, how many of those houses are located in either Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Michigan, Indiana, New Hampshire, Georgia, Missouri, North Carolina, or Iowa?"
"Okay, if you would have your staff get back to us on that, it would be appreciated. You know that many of the voters in those "swing states" might find it curious that you seek their votes and portray yourself as one of them, when you pay property taxes in seven states, but in none of theirs, don't you Sir?"
"Oh, sure, I understand. It is understandable that one of those houses does need to be in Arizona, whom you represent in the Senate, and another has to be in the DC Suburbs of Virginia, but I'm curious about the place in San Diego, as well as the getaway in the Hamptons?"
"Yessir, that makes perfect sense, but haven't you thought about picking up a couple of pieces of property that are in foreclosure? I mean, wow, you can really get some good deals in places like North Dakota, or South Carolina."
"Oh yeah, good point, it might look bad for you to take advantage of economic events brought about by a Republican Presidency, Congress, and a Right-leaning Judiciary, wouldn't it?"
"Well Senator, thank you very much for explaining why you have trouble even counting how many houses you own. And while you're at it, could you explain to me how those scanners work in the grocery store?"