
Topic: "He Took De Bait" (8)
"Ms. Crawdaddy, I have a complaint."
"What's the problem this time, Mr. Romney?"
"Well, even after he called me names and said I wasn't telling the truth, he said my numbers didn't add up."
"Now, now Mr. Romney, just put your head here on my shoulder and everything will be OK."
"How can I? You helped him. I'm a numbers expert and my numbers do add up."
"Here, blow your nose in my hankie and we'll get back for the next question once Mrs. Romney stops glaring at the President."
"Yeah Anne, kick him in the balls if he does something evil like answering a question again."
"Is there anything else Mr. Romney?"
"Well yes, I do have a question."
"And what might that be?"
"Just who is this guy Ben Gazzi that Obama keeps talking about?"