
Topic: "Allah Be Praised" (5)
Two notes of Explanation:
Farid Tan is from Singapore, and he is the President of a Bank. Farid and Frodo became acquainted during the course of business, and maintain an easygoing, but respectful dialogue. Farid is a Muslim, and he prays five times each day. If he has one personal goal, it would be to own a franchise of Starbuck's.
Bilbo is dying. She who begat Frodo requires oxygen twenty-four hours per day, every day. The demand approaches its zenith, and that which would follow for the sake of sheer survival would involve a ventilator. Bilbo has formally requested that such a course of action not be taken. Somewhere in the span of one-to-six months, the presence of carbon dioxide in her system will be dominant, and she will decline, rapidly. Until that time, she will probably fall under hospice care in her assisted living residence. Frodo and Sam are nearby, and Bilbo enjoys three meals per day, the gallant Braves on her black-and-white, and telephone calls from people she will not see again, as far as we know.
"Mr. Frodo, this is Farid. How is your Mom?"
"She is 92 years old, so each and every day is an adventure. Thank you for asking, for she is doing as well as we could expect, if not more."
"We do what we must do. Do we not?"
"Indeed, we do."
"I will remember her in my prayers this afternoon, and in the days that follow."
"Thank you. She will be very pleased to hear that. I don't believe that a prayer to Allah in her name is something which she has known before. It will be a fine gift."
"Do not worry about our business needs. They will be here for us at another time."
"Thank you."
"Salaam Alaikam Mr. Frodo, and Bilbo."
"Salaam Alaikam Mr. Tan."
Middle Earth is a wondrous place.