
Topic: "West Wing Redux" (2)
Jimmy Smits as Barack Obama and Alan Alda as John McCain, is that weird or not? "Does this mean," asked Frodo, "that John McCain will end up being Secretary of State?" Actually, that is almost as remote a concept as is the departure of George W. Bush, played by Martin Sheen, as a melancholy scene. Nearly every Citizen of Middle Earth is already planning for the celebration to accompany that stupendous day when the Incomparable Moron returns to the one activity for which he was truly brought to life, and that is clearing brush.
In the movie "Wag the Dog," the beret-wearing groupie pre-dated the actual appearance of Ms. Monica Lewinsky by more than a year. Now it is difficult to ignore the physical similarity between the actor, Smits, and the politician, Obama. Add in the facts that both reflect recent ethnic immigration to this great land, and both exhibit limited experience in the legislative scenario, then the dialogue itself in the "West Wing" begins to echo in memory. Is it possible that the very talented production team simply took a wild-assed gamble, and that it paid off? Or is there a wider conspiracy?
Frodo believes it is all about Hope, and that is no reference to a whistle-stop community in Arkansas. Our realities may indeed reference our fantasies, and our dreams, it logically follows, can come true. Behavioral Scientists will caution us not to put too much faith into the conduct of a single leader, no matter how noble and just he may appear because, above all else, he too is only human (or Halfling). Perhaps that is sage advice, and Frodo agrees that putting too much trust gives too much power. What, though, is life without passion, and the future without dreams of better days ahead?
When he started these dialogues Frodo naturally identified those in the Fellowship, and Sauron was immediately discernible. The Elves and the Dwarves, the Men of Gondor and the Riders of Rohan, yes and even the Orcs were also cast upon his stage. Only Aragorn has stood in the wings, waiting to be cued.
Enter Sir, stage left, Frodo and his friends await.