
Topic: "On Vacation, I'm Sure"
The entire Bush Presidency has been spent looking out of airplane windows, or at least that's the way it seems to Frodo. Everyone remembers the poignant photos of the President peering out of Air Force One after the disasters of September 11th, and, together, we prayed for his strength and his resolve. Frodo now can't get the pictures of an incompetent President staring out at the floodwaters that had engulfed the City of New Orleans, as he returned to Washington from one of his frequent "vacations" in Crawford. Frodo heard him say, then correct himself, that "no one could have predicted" the consequences of Hurricane Katrina.
Now we have learned that the consequences of the hurricane were predicted, two full days before Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, and almost a full week before the President directed appropriate response to the pleas for assistance. The White House received a report which eerily defined the broken levees and massive flooding from The Department of Homeland Obscurity to that effect.
"Mr. President, Scott McClellan here."
"Your Press Scecretary, Sir, you know, the little fat guy who's going bald."
"Oh Cheney, how ya doin' Dick, everythin' under control there in the bunker?"
"No Sir, this is Scott McClellan, the guy who talks to all the reporters."
"Reporters! Goddam bunch of lowlifes. I thought I told ya'll to stop talkin' to them fools."
"Well Mr. President, I needed to let you know we got a special report in here at the White House. It might be something you'd want to read."
"Read? Damn boy, the last thing I read was that damn stupid kid's book about goats, and look at all the trouble it got me into."
"Sir, this is a report from the Federal Emergency Management folks about the hurricane in the Gulf."
"Federal Emergency Management, isn't that the thing that Carter & Clinton spent all that money on? I thought we told 'Brownie' to close that place down."
"Sir, the report says. . ."
"Fuck the damn report. Does anybody read that crap?"
"Sir, it says a thousand or more people could be killed. . ."
"Oh bullshit, they've had hurricanes in New Orleans for years, and all that happens is that a bunch of cars get wiped out, and eventually they pump all the water away."
"Sir. . ."
"Oh quit worryin' boy, I'll check on things when we fly back to Worshington next week. No big deal."
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:34 PM EST