
Topic: "What Mark Felt"
Frodo has been plagued by two questions which he feared would not be resolved even during the extended life of the Hobbit. Is there intelligent life in our Universe? Obviously, we are aware of many places where that is not the case. The Moon and Texas are ready reference points. The other question, the identity of "Deep Throat," has tonight been resolved and confirmed.
Recapturing the spirit of the Watergate scandals, the subsequent cover-up, and the investigation itself is beyond the ability of the scribe. Frodo remembers the televised hearings, and how the entire nation sat entranced evening after evening as the intensity of the testimony, and the seemingly endless disclosures mixed pleasure with tragedy. Frodo remembers John J. Sirica, Sam Ervin, Fred Thompson, Howard Baker, Howell Heflin, and Martha Mitchell, among many others.
Martha Mitchell is the one that Frodo always wanted to meet. When it appeared that her husband, the former Attorney General, and Chairman of the Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP), was chosen to fall on his sword to take the blame, she fought back the only way she knew. She attacked those in charge, vehemently, and she defended her husband with emotion. An emotion so charged that everybody just assumed she had gone off the deep end. He was a lucky man to be so loved.
Frodo listened to the tapes again tonight, and he heard Nixon and Haldeman discussing their belief that Mark Felt was the source of Woodward's information. Nixon asked if he were a Catholic, and Frodo was reminded of the venom when Nixon was told that Felt was Jewish.
Frodo made a promise a long time ago, that, someday, he would urinate on that tombstone in Orange County, California. Which means, dear reader, that if you follow the news close enough you will someday see Frodo on the Evening News. May that answer one of your questions.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:37 PM EDT