
Topic: "ESP" (6)
Make no mistake about it, Frodo thought Ronald Reagan was a senile snake. He admits however, to being rather amazed as he watched an old friend actually weep for joy as Ronald Raygun took the oath of office. EDITORIAL NOTE: Frodo's theme this eve stems from the weeping willow from Ohio who was today sworn in as the newest Speaker of the House. Frodo learned on that day to sometimes soften his words when transitions occur. It is better to let a useless politician hang himself than for Frodo to waste his resources supplying the fool with a rope. Truer it is that there are some whose disagreements with Frodo are sincere, and to them Frodo owes a few moments of silent observation.
So far, Frodo has seen nothing which in any impacts his preconceived notion that we have another group of naive miscreants drinking the booze poured by oil company lobbyists. To that end, Frodo will retain his silence until somebody steps into a big old pile of dog-doo.
Frodo will wager on Darryl Issa, representing the home turf of the unlamented Richard Outhouse Nixon. Perhaps Representative Issa has already done so, and Frodo just ain't heard the news.