
Topic: "Bill and Hillary (2)"
Frodo noticed the lump while scratching the tummy of Mick, the Wonder Dog. Fatty lumps seem to occur with a great deal of frequency on good-sized male dogs, and Frodo knew that, but it didn't keep him from worrying. He held Sam's hand and guided it to the point where he had discovered the lump. Sam assured Frodo that since Mick, the Wonder Dog, was already due for "his shots," that taking him to the Vet's office would promptly put his mind at ease.
Mick and Fiona grew up together. Fiona was only six weeks old when she was adopted from a "No Kill" shelter, and she was quickly accepted by Frodo, Sam, and the marvelous Lovey. Lovey, also adopted from a shelter, had been spayed as the rules required, so Fiona was the closest thing she had ever had to a puppy, and she was a "handful" for an aging Border Collie. Mick, the Wonder Dog, is six months younger than Fiona, and he was brought into the Shire to take some of the "puppy pressure" off of Lovey, and to give Fiona a dose of her own medicine.
Mick, the Wonder Dog, was gangly and uncoordinated, but was always ready to scuffle with Fiona. The friendship grew concomitantly. Today, they are inseparable. When Fiona barks in distress, often for sheer devilment, Mick, the Wonder Dog, comes to her defense at full speed. When Mick, the Wonder Dog, barks an alarm, Fiona comes like an assault vehicle in pursuit of insurgent terrorists. They investigate together, they explore together, and they even take naps at the same time of day.
Sam told Frodo that Fiona was upset that Mick, the Wonder Dog, went into the Vet's office alone, and when he emerged back into the waiting motorcar she lit into him as if he had committed a Cardinal Sin. He is never to go into any situation without her to cover his butt. One never knows what a Vet may try to do when you are looking in another direction.
Sam reported that the Vet examined the lump and showed Sam the chart he keeps which marks any anomaly on Mick, the Wonder Dog. The lump was one of three, previously marked, that had shown little cause for concern since first they appeared.
Frodo had a bit of dust in his eye. So did Fiona.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:14 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, May 15, 2006 9:42 PM EDT