
Topic: "Mad Dogs&Englishmen"(6)
"Sir Alfred of Wayward, this is Frodo, Keeper of the Ring."
"To what do I owe this pleasure, and could you please be brief, I do have this issue in the Colonies, you know?"
"I understand your Majesty, and empathize with anyone who has to contend with those pesky Americans."
"Indeed, and what can I do for our distinguished visitor from the Shire."
"Well Sir, having once lived in the City of Orleans, Frodo understands the importance of British Petroleum to the local economy, and the need for a continuing relationship. It is just that fact that disturbs him when he considers the reality of this continuing unpleasantness surrounding the Horizon Spill."
"In what way, might I ask?"
"Wayward Old Boy, don't you realize that the oil well you've dug connects with every dome of oil in the world? You've tapped into all of the oil that there is on this small, blue planet, and that that damn well is not going to stop until all of the oil reserves that exist are expunged/"
"SO! Don't you get the message, this well will keep pumping crude into the Gulf of Mexico until there is no more oil at all."
"Oh pish-and-tush. The relief wells will connect in August, and then the little shrimpee barbies can get back to business there in lower Alabama, or whatever they call that dreadful place. You do know that we have to pay our employees 'tropical duty pay' for tolerating that climate?"
"That's what I thought, you aren't aware that those wells will most likely run like the present process, only there will be three, rather than one, spouting uncontrolled into the ocean."
"Who told you that? Where do you get such information"
"Wayward, Wayward. It is right there in the e-mails sent by the employees on Horizon, just before the explosion."
"Was there."
"Was there, I said."
"What do you mean?"
"Those systems suffered damage after the explosion, and have been lost."
"What kind of damage? The e-mails were received and logged in portals throughout the company. "
"The systems suffered oil damage."
"That's impossible. But what's more important is the fact that you do seem to be aware of the fact that you have been tapping into every oil well in the world, and that now all of that oil is gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, and we can't stop it."
"As I said, so?"
"Your Lordship, I implore you to consider the impact if this information became public knowledge."
"Impact? What impact? It would take 50 years for issues such as these to wend their way through the British judicial processes. By that time, I don't think that either of us will have much to worry about."
"I'm appalled."
"My dear Frodo, have you considered the price of a barrel of oil if all that remains is that which has been skimmed from the Gulf in our tankers?"
"You're suggesting that this was not an accident?"
"My boy, the Sun never sits on the British Empire."