
Topic: "Callista, an Albino?"(7)
Frodo believes in intellectual assassination; attacking someone because they have the cognitive attributes of a salamander, daresay we a newt? For the most part, Frodo operates from a certain level on the high ground, for the most part. Standards such as these do not apply to the only presidential aspirant who is more than 100 pounds overweight, nor do they apply to the macabre accomplice who seemingly searches for hemoglobin in the audience. Frodo believes that Mr. and Mrs. Gingrich (current version) maintain a library of movies and books based on tales of gluttony and the existence of a creature introduced by Anne Rice as "Lestat."
Imagine the caloric intake of the Newtster. It was once stated that he was a fan of ice cream and beer, evidently during the same sitting at the same time. Perhaps he is a devotee of something akin to Ben & Jerry's Budweiser? Given his obvious disregard for his health much less his appearance, it befuddles Frodo that no member of the "mainstream media" has publicly queried him about his "fitness" to serve in the most stressful position in all the world? Given the performances of the "Keystone Kandidates," it surprises him not that any of those mental midgets or their handlers have had the wherewithal to ask for his weight, blood pressure or blood sugar. Especially since none of them appear to live a life of total disregard for what they eat.
Callista frightens Frodo. There is no indication of movement in any of her capillaries, and the pale countenance with the piercing dark eyes makes Frodo grab for his crucifix and to place mirrors in every room. Coincidentally, Frodo notes that the green grocer in the Shire seems to have run out of garlic. Noted it is that among those associates who resigned from the Gingrich campaign last June, nearly all complained about the role that Callista played, and presumably the fact that she was not available during daylight hours.
Perhaps the sorry slate of candidates proffered by the Republicants are merely victims of a little surreptitious blood-letting? What say you George Will?