Mood: surprised
Topic: "Oh the possibilities"(8)
"It's DeLightful, It's DeLovely. . ." so went the commercial familiar to those whose formative years were spent staring into the black-and-white. Color brought "DePlane, DePlane" to the observer. Now it seems proper to add the word "DeLighted" to the mix.
Frodo finds himself enjoying a scatological application to the Orc known as DeMint, who suddenly resigned after serving but two years in his second term as a United States Senator (R-SC). Frodo's initial thought was to merely express the hope that "DeDoor" not hit him in "DeBut" on his way to "DeTroit" or whatever location sought to which Frodo has no interest in ever visiting. In truth Frodo would really like to see the cretin "DePorted"(know anybody who's ever seen his birth certificate, do ya?).
Frodo was not surprised to hear Stephen Colbert declare his interest replacing Jim without "DeLay", after all, he would merely be following the political footsteps of Jesse Ventura, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Al Franken, and possibly precede those of Ashley Judd into "De Briar Patch."
Let us hope that whoever may be named to fill the vacancy by the Governor not be overly familiar with "De Appalachian Trail." Maybe the first Mrs. Sandford?
Wasn't her name "DeDe"?