
Topic: "Where's my puppy?"(4)
It is a rare person that can stand up to the President of the United States, and not feel just a little intimidated. Frodo cracked a rare smile today when he heard that the prospective President had been warned by his eldest daughter not to mess with her TV. Fortunately, for Senator Obama, the Disney Channel will proceed with its' regular programming tomorrow evening, pleasing at least one member of the Obama family, immensely.
Frodo has missed little kids in the White House. He is overjoyed by the prospect of little people, nearly his size, who will be peeking out from under desks and dripping ice cream on hardwood floors. It just seems like such a long time since the entire Nation, if not the entire World, could just reach out and hug America's own little family. Frodo doesn't mean to offend Chelsea and the Bushettes, but they were just a little too big, at least for the Hobbit (they were also larger than their breeches).
It sounds bizarre to say, but this is one of the reasons that Frodo was drawn, early on, to the Obama candidacy. Bringing our nation together is not going to be easy, but can you imagine, dear reader, how a smile might be brought to the face of some curmudgeon like Newt Gingrich if he finds a "dolly" on the sofa next to him in the Oval Office while meeting with the new President on the reform of Medicare? A few smiles go a long way to bringing people together.
Two very pretty, very bright little girls; America's best days are ahead of us. Just so long as they don't call each other "Turdblossom," like the last group of adolescents in the White House.
Frodo need also remind the prospective new President that he heard him promise a puppy (maybe the dog will pee on Gingrich's shoe).