Mood: loud
Topic: "Bush Press Conference"
While Frodo nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, and he heard the President ask, "Mr. Frodo, do you have a question?" There Frodo stood, with the Presidential seal directly in front of him, and a smirking monkey leering over the podium. On Frodo's chest there was a laminated picture ID that read, albeit upside down, "White House Press Corps." There were lights everywhere, and Frodo blinked wordlessly.
"Are we keeping you up Mr. Frodo?," wisecracked the humorless midget. With laughter behind and in front of him, Frodo set his jaw and asked, "Thank you Mr. President, I do have a question, and that question is just what part of 'Illegal Alien' is it that you do not seem to understand?"
He had not used that glare since the first debate with Al Gore. The room was silent as he stumbled for words. A hum arose from the area behind his neck where the radio receiver was attached. The strings attached to his hands and feet began to wiggle. Beads of sweat formed on his upper lip in a Nixonesque salute. Slowly he turned, step-by-step, until he confronted Frodo nose to nose, and said "Would you repeat the question?"
"Yes sir, I will be glad to. Just what part of the phrase 'Illegal Alien' do you not understand? For your benefit sir, let me just add that we are a nation of immigrants, and nearly all of our forefathers came to this country under the procedures of the time. They followed the law. Now, you sir, seem positioned to justify the existence of immigrants who failed to follow the procedures that currently exist. Isn't it your Constitutional obligation to ensure the domestic tranquility by enforcing the law? Isn't it your responsibility to recognize that that which is obtained illegally cannot be recognized as legal? Just what is it that makes you think that an 'Illegal Alien' is anything other than a subject for deportation?"
"Mr. President, let me follow up that question by stating that an effort to ease human suffering, and to provide opportunity to all the world's people is a great goal worthy of any 'Compassionate Conservative,' but how can you not enforce the law? Who died and made you Pope?"
Suddenly a raven landed on the microphone atop the podium with the Presidential Seal. He looked around the room, and in his best gullah accent said, "De Tar Baby, He say nuttin'."
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 5:47 PM EDT