
Topic: "Rwanda Go Home?"(6)
Doug Kanney woulkd laugh if Frodo told him that he reminded Frodo of the Reverend LeRoy of the Church of What's Happenin' Now. That's why Frodo has such high regard for a former running buddy who decided to become a Methodist and a minister to boot. Quite some time ago, the two fraternity brothers from the College of the Shire were sharing a loaf of bread, a few fishes, and a bottle of wine, when Frodo told Doug about Bilbo's impending demise. Without any hesitation, Doug told Frodo tthat he would be there, even though he had never met Bilbo, and that he would meet the ceremonial needs required, if so desired. He did a very remarkable job, even though Frodo could not get a picture of Flip Wilson out of his recollections of the day.
The good Reverend's daughter Valerie married a boy named Casey, and they had a whole houseful of children. That turned out not to be a problem, even considering that Casey had made a career in the Foreign Service of the US of A, that is, until recently. Casey now runs the State Department Embassy in Rwanda. Not quite Paris, Frodo assumes, but probably preferable to Cleveland. Doug and his accomplice Penny are leaving shortly for a month-long visit to the African Continent in order to pluck tsetse flies from the hair of their grandchildren.
Frodo was struck by concomitant communication from Merry, of the Fellowship, who reported that Father Tim, a former classmate of hers, who became a Catholic and a priest to boot, who usually resides in Farmington, New Mexico, which is also a pretty far cry from Paris, was in Rwanda (of all places) with a group of his parishoners on a humanitarian mission to treat children born with the AIDS virus.
Well now, dear reader, knowing Frodo and the Proud Merry, it is not hard to understand how all of a sudden there are a flurry of communiques en route halfway around the world. Perhaps good people will meet in a faraway place and find refuge in their common faith, and just maybe they can find a place to tip an O'Doul's and to toast the host of Hobbits who wish them well, and hope they all come home the richer, and much, much safer.
Remind Frodo to someday tell the tale of his friend who went to Gabon, in order to play golf. Or, perhaps, the tale was long ago told. If so, it was many an O'Doul's ago.